‘Parents and carers are particularly appreciative of the very effective induction arrangements and confirm that their children settle quickly in this engaging environment. They typically comment “my children have had the best start I could possibly wish for’ (Ofsted 2009)
Welcome to Year One Home Learning
Staff will send home a Curriculum planner for each theme which outlines the learning that will take place in each area of the curriculum. These can be found on the Year Group page on the website and on your child’s Google Classroom page.
In Key Stage 1 Children will be given between 5 and 10 spellings to practise and earn each week. These are graded as ‘Mild’ and ‘Spicy’. All children are asked to learn Mild spelling and try Spicy if possible. There is then an added challenge of using words in a sentence. As part of morning work children will also be given practise time.
Maths Learning will be of a similar format each week. There will be Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) to learn as part of the Mild learning and skills the chidlren are learning in class will form the Spicy learning.
Both Maths and Spelling will be added to Google Classroom on a weeky basis on a Friday.
In Year 1 chidlrne are expected to read with parents at least 5 times per week. This early practise of reading is crucial in helping children to be successful.
In addition to this whole school challenges and projects are sent home:
- Book at Bedtime – November
- Competitions e.g. designs for a ‘Walk to School Banner.’
- Stannington 200 Words competition based on the ‘500 Words’ National writing competition.
We also send home Knowldge Builders which aim to give you the key facts and vocabularly your child will be leanring as part of a theme. We hope that this will enable you to support learning through discussion. These will be sent home via Google Classroom and can be found on the Knowledge Builder and Year Groups sections of the website.
Useful Information
Handwriting at Stannington Infant School
Year 1 teacher’s email addresses:
Miss Travis:- stravis@stannington.sheffield.sch.uk