Year 2 children went into the city centre to meet the Lord Mayor at the Town Hall for cake and a story. We had a story in the Lord Mayor’s Chambers – this is where the Lord Mayor does her work. The room had a very high ceiling and paintings of Lord Mayors from many years ago on the walls. The Lord mayor read us a story while we sat and listened. After our story we had a drink and a piece of cake. The Lord Mayor showed us her chain and we were even allowed to try it on! We had the opportunity to explore the room and found lots of old artefacts like a sword (in a glass case) from when the Town Hall was first opened. We tried on the Lord Mayor’s hat and looked at her robes. At the end were were able to choose a book to take home to share with our families.

We had a great time and wanted to say a huge thank you to the Lord mayor and her team.