Summer 2018

Physical Development

This term in P.E we have been learning to work as part of a team. We have been learning team games to help us participate in our Sports Day. We have enjoyed the visit of a sports coach, Faye, who has been teaching us the fundamentals of P.E. We have been learning to develop our ball skills, including throwing and catching small and large balls, playing ball team games and throwing and catching with a partner to develop our co-ordination skills. During our gymnastics sessions we have been learning to climb and balance on the climbing frame, sequence three movements together using the movements we have learnt including stretching, curling, hopping, balancing and jumping from a small height. In our dance lessons we have been learning cheerleading moves using our I Moves cheerleading videos. The children have developed co-ordination and control to perform a sequence of six movements to music.

Communication and Language

We have been learning to retell oral stories with confidence with our partners. We have learnt the story of Mr. Wiggle and Mr. Waggle, The Three Billy Goats Gruff and Jack and the Beanstalk. We have been learning to retell stories with expression and have substituted the story of Jack and the Beanstalk to write our own magic bean stories. We have continued to learn to ask questions. We generated a list of questions that we wanted to ask on our visit to Whirlow Farm. These included: What meat do we get from pigs? Why do pigs like to roll in mud? What is a baby cow called? How do hens lay eggs? What do sheep dogs do?


We have learnt to read the graphemes ar, oa, or, igh, ee, ow, ou and read words containing them. We have been reading our Read, Write Inc story books each day with our partners and developing our comprehension skills by answering questions about what we have read. We enjoyed the visit of Mr. Payne, a poet who came to share his poetry with us. In our writing we have been using our phonic knowledge to write sentences independently and have been learning to spell the tricky keywords correctly. We have written riddles about animals, a recount of our visit to Whirlow Farm and an imaginative story about a magic bean. Come and read our stories that are displayed in the hall.

Understanding of the World

We have enjoyed our Forest School learning and have learnt about our five senses. We have learnt to identify and write information about mini beasts, worked in teams to build dens and musical mobiles using natural materials. We made the characters from The Gruffalo story using natural materials and enjoyed finding out the features in our local environment. We drew maps to represent our walk and labeled the features we could see. We have been learning about the lifecycles of a butterfly and duck. We enjoyed observing the ducks grow and asked lots of interesting questions. These included: What do ducks eat? What colours will they be? What does an incubator do? Where do the ducks live when they grow up? How do the ducks hatch? Why did one duck die?

Expressive Arts

We have been using our observational skills to draw self portraits and drawing ourselves from photographs. We had to look closely and draw in proportion. We enjoyed displaying our portraits for our families to see at our Arts Picnic. We have enjoyed designing and creating our own large scale box models relating to our interests. We have made houses, robots, caterpillars and superheroes. We have been learning to mould clay to create Anthony Gormley’s figures and creating Gruffalo characters to accompany our story telling. We have been excited to create our own role play fruit shop and have made labels, signs and pictures.


We have been consolidating our learning of numbers 1-20 and have learnt to order, name and find one more and one less than a number up to 20. We have been learning the values of coins and have made different amounts of money up to 10 pence using coins. We used our knowledge of money to make totals to buy foods in our role play shop. We have been learning to find doubles and halves of numbers up to 20, sorting domino totals and learning by heart double facts up to 10. We have been learning to work out addition and subtraction number sentences using a number line and have persevered to write our own number sentences. We have been learning about o’clock times and how to sequence our day. We enjoyed playing What Time is it Mr. Wolf to help us to learn about time.

Personal, Social and Emotional

We enjoyed celebrating ‘We are different day’ and make a display of pictures and writing about what we are all good at. We have had many circle times learning about what is the same and what is different about each other in our class and have written about what makes us unique. We have been writing letters to our new class teachers to tell them all about ourselves, telling them what we like and what we are good at. We have been learning about how we have changed since we have started school and what we can do now that we couldn’t do when we started school.