“A friendly, creative environment for learning together”
Snowy Weather
Just a note to remind you about the arrangements for snowy weather.
- School will be open providing roads are clear enough for everyone to travel safely and staff can get to Stannington. Usually this is the case and we only close the school if there are real problems.
- If school is closed or we have a delayed start we will send a text and email via our Parentmail communication system. If we don’t communicate this means school is open as normal.
- We strongly encourage parents & guardians to sign up to school email alerts here: https://public.govdelivery.
com/accounts/UKSHEFFIELD/ subscriber/new - If / when heavy snow falls you can also get informaiton about closures from Sheffield City Council’s school closure page on our website. Sheffield City Council’s Twitter account.
- NEVER leave your child in the morning without handing him / her over to a member of staff. Some staff may arrive late if the weather is snowy and children must not be left unattended.
- If it snows during the day and you feel your journey home will be difficult please do not ring school but come and collect your child as and when you need to. We cannot allow children to go home with friends or neighbours unless you have given us permission. If in exceptional circumstances school had to close during the day it would be communicated to families via ParentMail.
- If school is open but you choose not to bring your child this will be classed as unauthorised absence.
Could you please make sure your child is appropriately dressed for the weather, including suitable footwear (ie wellingtons / boots required). You may also wish to send a change of socks / trousers (labelled with your child’s name).
Hopefully the weather won’t be too bad this year, but we would appreciate your co-operation and understanding of this.
In the event of poor weather conditions I give permission for my child to be collected by: please fill in the form and return to the school office.
Thank you.