“A friendly, creative environment for learning together”
School Uniform
Guidance for Parents on our Code of Dress
We have a dress code as follows, which can be worn throughout the year:
• Polo shirts in navy, red or white
• Sweatshirts or cardigans in navy or red
• Pinafore dresses in navy or grey
• Summer dresses in navy or red
• Trousers /leggings, skirts or shorts in navy, grey or black (joggers are fine but no jeans please)
On days when PE is taught children must come in suitable sports clothing please:- school tops with leggings or joggers and trainers.
It is essential that your child has his/her name on all articles of clothing, footwear and bags.
Children do indoor P.E. in bare feet or in trainers dependant on the activity. Long hair should be tied back for school to keep children safe whilst doing P.E.
School uniform with the school logo can be ordered direct from our suppliers. Alternatively, generic uniform in the school colours can be worn.
We use two suppliers:- School Trends and Branded Uniform
Follow the link to order on line:
Book bags: Red or Navy Blue
Water Bottles £2.00 each – only available from the school office.
We have nearly new uniform available in school and regular sales of uniform are held throughout the year.