“A friendly, creative environment for learning together”
The purpose of this page is to help you understand how Religious Education (RE) is taught at Stannington Infant School.
We follow the locally agreed syllabus for RE which is written by the Sheffield Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) and adapted by our teachers to meet the needs of the children at our school.
The principal aim of RE at our school is to explore what people believe (both religious and non-religious) and what difference this makes to how they live, so that pupils can gain the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to handle questions raised by religion and belief, reflecting on their own ideas and ways of living.
Foundation Stage
In our Foundation Stage classes, children encounter religious and non-religious world views through stories, special times, special places and special people. They think about their own feelings and experiences and develop their curiosity and appreciation of the world in which they live. They will begin to understand and value the differences of individuals and groups in their community, whilst developing their emerging moral and cultural awareness.
Key Stage One
In Year One and Two, children will build on their learning from the Foundation Stage and begin to develop their critical thinking skills to make sense of religious and non-religious beliefs, understand the impact and significance of these beliefs and make connections. They will be encouraged to think, talk and ask questions about their learning, and give reasons for their ideas. A key part of their learning is the importance of showing respect to all people and recognising that different beliefs and ways of living can be celebrated.
The main religions children will encounter at Stannington Infant School are Christianity, Judaism and Islam, which will be considered alongside non-religious world views.

Curriculum Downloads
FS Planner
Long Term Planner Foundation Stage 2024-2025
Stannington Infant School Long Term Planner FS 2023-24
FS long term planner 2022-23 Parents guide
Year 1 Planner
Stannington Infant School Long Term Planner 2024-2025 – Year 1 Cycle B
Stannington Infant School Long Term Planner 2023-24 – Year 1 Cycle A
Year 1 Curriculum Overview 2023-24 for parents
Year 2 Planner
Stannington Infant School Long Term Planner Year 2 2024-25 Cycle B
Year 2 Curriculum Overview 2024 – 25 for parents
Stannington Infant School Long Term Planner Year 2 2023-24 Cycle A
Year 2 Curriculum Overview 2023-24 for parents