“A friendly, creative environment for learning together”
Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) is an integral part of our curriculum to ensure that children have the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy and independent lives. It aims to help children understand how develop personally and socially, tackling many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. It teaches children about healthy choices and a healthy lifestyle both physically and mentally.
In Foundation Stage the children are taught how to build upon their own experiences and work towards achieving the Early Learning Goal (ELG) for Personal, Social and Emotional Development. This is divided into three main areas of Self Regulation, Managing Self and Building Relationships.
In KS1 the children are taught knowledge and skills for staying healthy and safe and for behaving well. Children are given opportunities to show they can take some responsibility for themselves and their environment. They begin to learn about their own and other people’s feelings and become aware of the views, needs and rights of others. They learn social skills such as how to share, take turns, play, help others, resolve simple arguments and resist bullying.
Our PSHE Curriculum is designed and sequenced to ensure that all pupils learn key skills in developing emotional intelligence, understanding their own mental health, developing a positive self-image and self-worth, developing healthy relationships, taking responsibility for their own personal hygiene, how to keep themselves safe both on and offline and understanding the importance of physical activity. The curriculum ensures that all pupils are taught these skills through the themes of Being Me in My World, Celebrating Differences, Relationships, Healthy Me and Changing Me.
In conjunction with our themes we place a strong emphasis on teaching emotional literacy and intelligence to ensure that children have a positive sense of self and a strong mental health. Our curriculum incorporates the Zones of Regulation teaching to ensure that all pupils have the language to communicate their emotions through words, visuals and signing. Pupils are taught to recognise the need for Healthy Minds and Bodies and our Healthy Minds Champion children, teachers and Education Mental Health Worker Angela Manning work together to ensure that there are active breaks and times for mindfulness and healthy minds games within each day. You too can join in at home by accessing our Healthy Minds Champion videos on the Healthy Minds tab on our school website.
Please refer to the guides (right) regarding our approach to Relationship, Sex, Health Education (RHSE) Also documents related to coverage of Protected Charactersistics.
This year our school is starting two new awards:- The Healthy Early Years Award (HEY) and the KS1 Food for Life / Eat Smart Sheffield Award. We would love parents to be involved in both of these so look out for a letter with more details.

Curriculum Downloads
FS Planner
Long Term Planner Foundation Stage 2024-2025
Stannington Infant School Long Term Planner FS 2023-24
Year 1 Planner
Stannington Infant School Long Term Planner 2024-2025 – Year 1 Cycle B
Stannington Infant School Long Term Planner 2023-24 – Year 1 Cycle A
Year 1 Curriculum Overview 2023-24 for parents
Year 2 Planner
Stannington Infant School Long Term Planner Year 2 2024-25 Cycle B
Year 2 Curriculum Overview 2024 – 25 for parents
Stannington Infant School Long Term Planner Year 2 2023-24 Cycle A
Year 2 Curriculum Overview 2023-24 for parents