“A friendly, creative, environment for learning together”
PE is much more than success on the sports field. It develops competent, confident young people who understand the importance of a healthy, active lifestyle both in and outdoors.
Foundation Stage: Physical Development in the Foundation Stage is encouraged through activities which provide children the opportunity to be active in their learning, helping them to develop good control and coordination in large and small movements. Children learn about the importance of good health and physical exercise. They develop an awareness of a healthy diet and ways to keep healthy and safe. In addition to this the Foundation Stage have PE 2/3 times per week in the school hall as well as regular outdoor sessions in there outdoor area and school garden.
Key Stage One: PE is timetabled 2 times per week (2- 2 ½ hrs all together), with opportunities for extracurricular activities developing these skills further. There are further opportunities for the children to be active at regular intervals throughout the school day as part of our Active 10 sessions. The lunchtime and after school clubs have provided children with the opportunity to develop: rugby, gymnastics, running and multi sports skills. Forest School blocks of learning allow children to build upon a further range of skills as well as developing a love for the outdoors and working together as a team.

Useful Download
Curriculum Downloads
FS Planner
Long Term Planner Foundation Stage 2024-2025
Stannington Infant School Long Term Planner FS 2023-24
Year 1 Planner
Stannington Infant School Long Term Planner 2024-2025 – Year 1 Cycle B
Stannington Infant School Long Term Planner 2023-24 – Year 1 Cycle A
Year 1 Curriculum Overview 2023-24 for parents
Year 2 Planner
Stannington Infant School Long Term Planner Year 2 2024-25 Cycle B
Year 2 Curriculum Overview 2024 – 25 for parents
Stannington Infant School Long Term Planner Year 2 2023-24 Cycle A
Year 2 Curriculum Overview 2023-24 for parents