Our first week back at school

Our first day back started with a visit from the Little Red Hen.

We were shocked to have been left a bag full of ingredients and we couldn’t work out why…

We asked lots of questions about the bag that was left in our classroom:

“What will we need oil for? Is it to make pancakes?” – Isla

“Are we using flour to make a cake?” – William

“What is the silver packet for?” – Eddie

“We could make something with the ingredients!” – Harley

We then read the story of the “The Little Red Hen” and have learnt all about the journey of making bread. We had lots of questions about how bread was made:

“Why do farmers need to use pesticides?” – Joseph

“How is the corn crushed into flour?” – Harley

“How are different types of bread made?” – Jenssen

“Who looks after the corn when it grows?” – Harrison

“Are their corn fields in this country?” – Danny

After that, we decided to use the ingredients that The Little Red Hen had left us and made our own white loaf of bread. We loved weighing out the ingredients, sieving the flour, adding in the yeast, oil and water and enjoyed mixing the dough with a wooden spoon.

Our favourite job was kneading the dough!

“It is so squishy!” – Ellie

“It’s stuck to my hands!” – Annie

“You can make shapes with it.” – Jamie

“Does it roll like a ball?” – Liam


We watched the bread rise in the classroom and were then able to taste the bread after it had been baked in the oven. We explored how the dough had changed in size, shape and colour and we made lots of predictions:

“I think the dough will grow.” – Alex

“The dough will rise in the oven.” – Will

“It will be golden brown like a cake!” – Harley

We loved tasting our own bread too!


We are now beginning to explore where different breads come from using a world map. We welcome everyone to come and see our new learning in our floor book!