Our first half term at school..

This half term we have been learning to retell the story of “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt.” We worked together to make a story tray.  We have loved using our story tray to retell the story and can retell the story in order using phrases from the story.  We are beginning to use expression in our story telling.

We have been learning about the different types of bears there are in the world.  We have learnt to ask a question and have researched our questions with adults.  Come and see our learning in our bear floor book.  We can answer the following key questions:

What kinds of bears are there?

Where do bears live?

What do bears like to eat?

What is the same and what is different about some bears?

We have also been learning to be artists.  We have been learning the skill of observational drawing and painting.  We began by learning the three primary colours and mixed them to create secondary colours.  We were taught how to carefully use a paintbrush to paint within lines.

We brought our teddy bears into school and learnt how to make careful observational drawings using a pencil.  We learnt the words proportion, scale, size to help us when drawing our bears onto paper. We then used our knowledge of colour to paint our bears.  Come and take a look at our bear paintings in school!

In P.E we have been learning to travel in different ways.  We have been learning the movements stretched, curl, star shape, straight, wide, hop, skip, side step, tuck and have been learning to travel in different ways both on the floor and the apparatus.  We have been learning to negotiate space and follow simple instructions.  We have been developing our balance skills through our pirate adventure P.E story.

We have been developing our self-confidence to speak in front of small and large groups and loved sharing our learning with our families on the final day of our first half term at school.  We were confident to sing the story of ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ and remembered the sequence of the story.  We shared new poems we have learnt by heart including Higglelty Piggelty Pop and Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear.  We enjoyed singing new songs we had learnt about Autumn and Harvest.  These included Autumn leaves, Big Red Combine Harvester and Under the Harvest Moon. The children were a credit to themselves during our assembly. Well done children!