“A friendly, creative environment for learning together”

All the latest news from Stannington Infants School

We would like to share all the news from our school with you. There is a lot going on at Stannington Infants School and this is the place to keep up with all the latest events and information.

Year 1 Art Week

Year 1 Art Week

This week has been Art week across school. The children in Year 1 have learnt all about a French artist Henri Rousseau. They have learnt many new facts. The children in Year 1 have learnt many new observational observational skills when looking closely at "Surprised!...

Foundation Stage Art Week

Foundation Stage Art Week

Foundation Stage has had a great Art Week! We learned about the Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama. She is inspired by nature and uses dots to show texture and pattern in her work. We went outside to see what patterns and textures we could find in nature and then looked...

Puppets Week

The children had a fabulous time during Puppets Week. They loved finding out  about all the different puppets including hand puppets, string puppets and pop - up puppets. FS  designed and made sock puppets. They practised joining different materials and combined these...

Year 2 EIS sports day

On Wednesday both Year 2 classes went to the EIS to experience a day of sports. The children took part in a range of sports including long jump, hurdles and relays. They also had lots of fun doing obstacle races. The children had a brilliant day and enjoyed working...