Forest School Fridays are here again!

What a great day we all had in the school garden. Here is a snapshot of what we did….


As part of our Science, we learnt how to classify objects into ‘LIVING, DEAD and NEVER ALIVE’ – did you know that to be a living thing it needs to grow, eat and breathe?!


Mrs Platts took us to look at plants in the garden. We discussed the different parts and what their function is. We now know that the roots not only take water to the plant from the soil, but also help to anchor it to the ground.

Mrs Simpson took us into the apiary so that we could start learning about our school bees, how we look after them and what the different parts of the hive are. We loved trying to put the hive together!

As part of our DT work, we made a courgette cake. We talked about healthy and unhealthy foods as well as re-using our knife skills learnt in Y1. We measured ingredients, mixed them and learnt how to safely use the graters. We even got to eat the cake – it was delicious and got the thumbs up from us all!

In the afternoon, we used clay to make pinch pots and then decorated them with natural materials we found in the garden. We also had the opportunity to do some of the following…

…making a den for our group.…gardening.…creating a natural art collage based on the work of Andy Goldsworthy and looking at and learning how to identify trees in and around the school garden. As well as eating our yummy courgette cake!



What a busy day and thank you to all our grown-up helpers!