5 Minute Walk Zone

5 Minute Walk Zone

As part of our work on Modeshift Stars, which  focuses on sustainable travel accreditation and recognition for schools, our school council children have created a map of 5 and 10 minute walk zones around school. School Council ask that families park outside the 5...
Visits to the local area and the City Centre

Visits to the local area and the City Centre

As part of our topic ‘What’s through your window?’ we have been looking at our local area of Stannington and comparing it with the City Centre of Sheffield. We have looked at human and physical features and thought about the similarities and...
Stannington Stay Safe Team

Stannington Stay Safe Team

Our wonderful Stannington Stay Safe Team(SSS Team) taught their class as part of our Safer Internet Day. The Stannington Stay Safe Team taught children in their class about a Digital 5 a Day and explained why it is important to use technology for a range of things....
Piano Assembly

Piano Assembly

What a treat! The children learning to play the piano performed in front of the whole school in assembly. They showed us that practice and concentration pays off. Well done and thank you to all our pianists. Also to Pav for arranging the assembly and parents for...
Year 2 Local Area Walk

Year 2 Local Area Walk

Class 6 have been on two walks around the local area looking at human and physical features. After their walk they worked in groups to record some of the features in 3D maps. The children collaborated so well and produced some fantastic work.