Year 2 West End Dance Workshop

Year 2 West End Dance Workshop

The children in year 2 took part in a really exciting dance workshop run by ‘West End in Schools’. The workshop was based on the theme ‘Friendship and Teamwork’ and the children learnt a dance routine to Toy Story’s ‘You’ve...
Year 2 World Book Day

Year 2 World Book Day

Classes 5 and 6 had a wonderful World Book Day on the 4th March 2021. They read and listened to books being read throughout the day. The book they focused on was ‘What the Lady Bird Heard’ written by Julia Donaldson and illustrated by Lydia Monks. Both...
Remote Learning

Remote Learning

In Foundation Stage you will have remote learning on Google Classroom from today for you to access. In Key Stage One work will be emailed this morning for this week and then as of Monday remote learning will be uploaded to Google classroom daily. It may be that we...
Surprise visit!!

Surprise visit!!

We have had a Special visit today from the actors in Damon’s pop up panto!! The children asked some wonderful questions…. What is your favourite pantomime? Which character do you like being? Are you shy when you go on stage? When did you start acting? Who...