Class 5 Forest Schools week 1

Class 5 had an amazing first day at Forest Schools. The sun held off during the morning whilst we searched in the garden for objects that were alive, dead or never alive. We also looked at plants and labelled the functions of the roots, leaves, stem and flowers. We...
Forest School Week 5

Forest School Week 5

Our final Forest School session – and sadly due to the weather we did not make it to the farm! So it was back into the garden again, but how lucky we are to have this! To start with we sat on the decking and had another story illustrated by Gwen Millward. Then it was...
A Farm Forest School!

A Farm Forest School!

What a fantastic Forest School session – our first one at the farm! We loved our walk there, thinking about habitats and trying to identify trees by looking at their leaves – we even found some mice, although they were wooden! When we arrived we had a look around the...

Fantastic Forest School Friday – Week 3

Yet another busy forest school day learning lots of new skills and facts… …Do you know anything about the anatomy of a bee? We used tweezers and magnifying glasses to look at some of the dead bees, so just ask Class 6 if the answer is no! We took on the role of...
Buzzbee Bear

Buzzbee Bear

Our wonderful bear, Buzzbee, is now finished. He will be heading off to the Bear Trail next week. We will keep you updated on where he will be and how you can visit him. All the children made small bees and those that are not on Buzzbee will be decorating Honey House...
Class 6 Forest School Week 2

Class 6 Forest School Week 2

Another great week and the sun shined for us as well! We looked at mini-beast habitats, learnt about how plants reproduce and went in to the apiary. We also made hedgehog houses and bug hotels. In the afternoon we even got to work with a real potter to make coil pots!...