Year 2 Visit to the Botanical Gardens

Year 2 Visit to the Botanical Gardens

Last week the Year 2 children visited the Botanical Gardens as part of the Stunning Start to their learning about Rainforests. We were very excited to catch the number 81 bus into the city, even if the first one didn’t arrive for Class 6! Once we arrived we looked at...
Class 6 Forest School 2022

Class 6 Forest School 2022

Forest School Fridays are here again! What a great day we all had in the school garden. Here is a snapshot of what we did….             As part of our Science, we learnt how to classify objects into ‘LIVING, DEAD and NEVER ALIVE’ – did you know that to be a living...
Class 5 City Centre Visit

Class 5 City Centre Visit

Thursday 13th January 2022 We had a sensational start to our new ‘Sheffield’ theme by going on a coach tour of Sheffield. We visited Weston Park and the City Centre to look at Sheffield’s geographical features, including the physical and human features. We had to keep...