Piano Assembly

Piano Assembly

The children who have been learning to play piano with Pav, our piano teacher, delighted us with an assembly this morning. The children were absolutely fantastic and displayed their talents superbly. Well done!!  Thank you also to the parents for being part of our...
Christmas Fair

Christmas Fair

A huge thank you to the PFA members , parents and staff that organised and ran the Christmas Fair last night. Thank you to everyone who came and made the evening so special. If you weren’t able to come here are a few pictures of what you missed. All the...
Please buy our Christmas Peg Dolls!

Please buy our Christmas Peg Dolls!

This term the children in KS1 have been learning about toys. We have explored old and new toys and have identified what materials they are made from. We have had lots of fun exploring the different toys! As part of our Design and Technology learning the children in...
Born in a barn!

Born in a barn!

The children in Year 1 performed their wonderful Christmas Nativity to their families yesterday at Christ Church. What a superb show it was! The children have worked so hard this half term and Miss Howell and Miss Travis are so proud of them. The Year 1 team would...