by Sarah Binns | Dec 4, 2023 | Latest News, Year 1, Year 2
Well done to everyone who entered the competition. Here is the finished card including all the final entries from the six schools. The children from school met the leader of the Parish Council and had a lovely cake and drink to celebrate.
by Sarah Binns | Dec 4, 2023 | Foundation Stage, Latest News, Year 1, Year 2
Have you noticed the wonderful poppies on the buses in Sheffield? Many of them have been designed by the children at school. I wonder how many you can spot? Well done to all the children who entered the competition and have their poppies displayed, we are very proud...
by Liz Harris | Dec 1, 2023 | Foundation Stage, Latest News, Year 1, Year 2
Well done to everyone that took part in this year’s Book at Bedtime Reading Challenge. The children looked amazing in their pyjamas and onesies. (And so did the staff!) Thank to all the adults who came to join us for our Family Read as well. The children...
by Laura Howell | Nov 20, 2023 | Uncategorized, Year 1
As part of our Design and Technology learning this half term we have been learning all about puppets. We have learnt a new skill and learnt to sew a running stitch to create a gingerbread man hand puppet. We are so happy with our finished products! We will be...
by Liz Harris | Nov 17, 2023 | Foundation Stage, Latest News, Uncategorized, Year 1, Year 2
Congratulations to all the children who took part in Stannington’s 200 Words competition this term. The stories were all wonderful and I know our judges found it hard to make a final decision. All children who took part received a certificate in assembly to say well...
by Sarah Binns | Nov 13, 2023 | Latest News, SCHOOL COUNCIL, Year 1
We ask classes to discuss aspects of school life and share their ideas in a class council session. The School Council representatives then share their classes ideas. Here is what Class 3 said this week We have just had a 200-words story competition. Should we have...