DT learning in Year 1

DT learning in Year 1

As part of our Design and Technology learning this half term we have been learning all about puppets. We have learnt a new skill and learnt to sew a running stitch to create a gingerbread man hand puppet.       We are so happy with our finished products! We will be...

Class council discussions

We ask classes to discuss aspects of school life and share their ideas in a class council session. The School Council representatives then share their classes ideas. Here is what Class 3 said this week We have just had a 200-words story competition. Should we have...
Piano Assembly

Piano Assembly

Today we were treated to a wonderful piano concert by the children learning to play in our school. Each child played two pieces of music, either by themselves or with Pav, their piano teacher. The children were amazing and we loved listening to them play.  Well done...