Fabulous Finish

Fabulous Finish

This term in Year 1 we have been learning all about castles. We have really enjoyed learning about castles. To celebrate our learning we have designed and created our own castles. We thought about if we would rather live in a castle or in a...
Year 1 visit to Manor Lodge

Year 1 visit to Manor Lodge

On Monday year 1 enjoyed a visit to Manor Lodge, we explore dthe grounds and found out what life was like for the people who lived there. We even got to look at the oldest toilet in Sheffield.  Bess of Hardwick was there, she told us about the lives of the poor and...
Y1 Trip to Conisbrough Castle

Y1 Trip to Conisbrough Castle

We had a wonderful time at Conisbrough Castle. This visit enabled the children to see and explore the castle and discover who lived there and what life was like for the people at that time. We were lucky enough to take part in a workshop which told the story of the...