Number Day Year 1

Number Day Year 1

Today the children had so much fun during our Number day. They brought in coins from home to fill the digits 0-9 and went on a maths trail answering questions around the school yard.
Buzzbee Bear

Buzzbee Bear

Our wonderful bear, Buzzbee, is now finished. He will be heading off to the Bear Trail next week. We will keep you updated on where he will be and how you can visit him. All the children made small bees and those that are not on Buzzbee will be decorating Honey House...

Sensational Start – Our Changing World

As part of our Sensational Start we have been experimenting to see which ice cube would melt the quickest. We put 1 ice cube outside in the sunshine, 1 ice cube inside the classroom and 1 in a bucket of water. We made predictions about which we thought would melt the...
Forest Schools

Forest Schools

Class 4 have thoroughly enjoyed their forest schools learning. The children have enjoyed learning outside in the school environment and learning all about forest schools.  The children have had the opportunity to develop life skills such as independence, self...