Christingle service

Christingle service

This week all children in school have celebrated Advent by creating their very own Christingle and have participated in a church service at Christ Church in Stannington. The children have learnt that a Christingle is made from: an orange that represents the world, a...
Feeling Festive!

Feeling Festive!

Today we have put up the Christmas tree in our classroom and decorated it ready for Christmas. We had so much fun decorating the tree and singing Christmas songs.
Book at Bedtime 2021

Book at Bedtime 2021

We loved celebrating the end of our Book at Bedtime reading event.  We all came to school in our pyjamas; even the adults wore their pyjamas! Two children from each class received a prize and everybody who entered received a certificate. Thank you to all our adults...
History Van

History Van

Year 1 enjoyed a visit from the history van. We wanted to find out about homes long ago. Kathryn from the history van showed us how household chores were carried out long ago. We had to use a posser, a dolly peg and washboard to do the washing. It was hard work! Then...
Diwali Dance

Diwali Dance

Today we have been learning about Diwali which is the “festival of light”. We have been learning about how people celebrate Diwali. As part of our leaning we have learned some Bollywood dance moves. We practiced the dance moves and then put all the moves...