Jo Peel Artwork

Jo Peel Artwork

As part of our topic “Sheffield” we have been learning about the artist Jo Peel. Jo Peel is and painter and print maker. She was born in Sheffield and lots of her artwork is on buildings around Sheffield. Have you seen any? Look at the information sheets...
Steel City!

Steel City!

What a great visit to Kelham Island Museum. We had such a brilliant time learning all about Sheffield, how steel is made and how Harry Brearley discovered stainless steel. We started our visit by learning all about how Sheffield became a city. We talked lots about...
Christingle service

Christingle service

This week all children in school have celebrated Advent by creating their very own Christingle and have participated in a church service at Christ Church in Stannington. The children have learnt that a Christingle is made from: an orange that represents the world, a...
Feeling Festive!

Feeling Festive!

Today we have put up the Christmas tree in our classroom and decorated it ready for Christmas. We had so much fun decorating the tree and singing Christmas songs.