Rainforest Jeeps

Rainforest Jeeps

We have had two very busy  Design and Technology days! The children began by investigating a range of vehicles. They identified their function and purpose, for example a tractor is used by farmers and has big wheels so it doesn’t get stuck in the mud. The...
Summer Fayre

Summer Fayre

What a wonderful day we had at the Summer Fayre. The weather was kind to us (mostly) and we all had lots of fun. A HUGE thank you to the small but dedicated PFA team and to everyone else who helped out to make the event so successful. Thank you to the stall holders,...
Arts Week 2022

Arts Week 2022

What a wonderful Arts week we have had! The children began the week learning about Collage. They explored different ways of collaging, including mixed media natural resources and photos. We focused on the artist Hannah Hoch and took inspiration from her collages to...
Tropical Butterfly House

Tropical Butterfly House

The Year 1 trip to the Tropical Butterfly House was an enjoyable experience and opportunity to support our work in science and geography. The visit included opportunities to handle some animals such as a stick insect, cockroach and a snake. We found out information...