Please buy our Christmas Peg Dolls!

Please buy our Christmas Peg Dolls!

This term the children in KS1 have been learning about toys. We have explored old and new toys and have identified what materials they are made from. We have had lots of fun exploring the different toys! As part of our Design and Technology learning the children in...
Born in a barn!

Born in a barn!

The children in Year 1 performed their wonderful Christmas Nativity to their families yesterday at Christ Church. What a superb show it was! The children have worked so hard this half term and Miss Howell and Miss Travis are so proud of them. The Year 1 team would...
Our Fabulous Finish in Year 1!

Our Fabulous Finish in Year 1!

This term we have been learning about Toys. We have been learning about old and new toys as well as the materials they are made from. We have used a timeline to order toys in chronological order thinking about our favourite toys, our parents and our grandparents. We...
Anti Bullying Assembly

Anti Bullying Assembly

In our assembly we learned what bullying is. We all agreed we must not choose this type of behaviour. We watched a story about Stick and Stone and their friendship. This week each child will have the chance to find one friendship stone in the playground. They can keep...
Platinum Award!

Platinum Award!

We are delighted to announce that we have achieved the Platinum award in Modeshift Stars for our active travel. We celebrated this with a very wet walk to school followed by a very active assembly with Viking Wagnor the Bald (from Histrionics)