Y1 at the Yorkshire Wildlife Park

Yesterday the children in Year 1 enjoyed an exciting trip to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park. In Science this term we having been learning about animals, discussing the different classifications of animals and finding out about different habitats. During the trip the...
World Book Day

World Book Day

Thank you to everyone for the wonderful costumes for World Book Day. We have shared our favourite reads in assembly and are looking forward to Family Read this afternoon. Here is a selection of the children in their outfits ………..  

Y1 EIS sports day

The Year 1 classes enjoyed an action packed sports day today at the EIS. The children got to try out lots of different activities using skills they have learnt in PE such as throwing, catching, skipping and jumping. They even got to try out new skills and sports such...

Recorder Assembly

Class 4 thrilled us all today with their recorder playing. What progress they have made from rather squeaky beginnings in September! Thank you to all the parents for attending and well done to the children for their tuneful playing and singing.
Celebrating Reading

Celebrating Reading

A small selection of the many parents who came to read –  thank you so much for sharing this with us. Thank you for joining in with our bedtime reading celebration, the children have enjoyed coming to school in their PJs! Well done to every child who...