Recorder Assembly

Class 4 thrilled us all today with their recorder playing. What progress they have made from rather squeaky beginnings in September! Thank you to all the parents for attending and well done to the children for their tuneful playing and singing.
Celebrating Reading

Celebrating Reading

A small selection of the many parents who came to read –  thank you so much for sharing this with us. Thank you for joining in with our bedtime reading celebration, the children have enjoyed coming to school in their PJs! Well done to every child who...
Kindness challenge

Kindness challenge

Well done to all the children who took part in the Kindness Challenge. Also a huge thank you to the Healthy Minds Champions for preparing the challenges, for delivering two assemblies, for designing the certificate and for wrapping the presents. You have been busy!!...

Y1 skipping workshop

This week the Year 1 children took part in a skipping workshop as part of Sheffield Schools Skipathon week. The children took part in lots of different skipping activities. Some children were skipping for the first time while others learnt new skipping styles and...