Victorian classroom experience

On Monday the Y2 classes got to experience what it would have been like to be a pupil at Stannington Infant School during the Victorian era. The classroom was transformed into a Victorian classroom and the children all dressed up as Victorian children. The children...

Children in Need bun sale

School Council have had a busy few weeks preparing for our Children in Need fund raiser. They met with Mrs Everitt to discuss preperations for the bun sale and made posters to advertise the event around school. We are so grateful to all the families who donated yummy...
Sheffield School Skipathon 2023

Sheffield School Skipathon 2023

This week the children have been taking part in Sheffield Schools Skipathon 2023. The children (and staff) have had lots of fun skipping this week. Some children have experienced skipping for the first time while others have been learning new tricks. The most...

Class council discussions

We ask classes to discuss aspects of school life and share their ideas in a class council session. The School Council representatives then share their classes ideas. Here is what Class 3 said this week We have just had a 200-words story competition. Should we have...

Music in the Round at The Crucible

This morning the Y2 classes went on an exciting trip to The Crucible theater. They went to see a production of “The Chimpanzees of Happytown” based on the book by Giles Andreae and Guy Parker-Rees with music performed by Ensemble 360. The children have...