Recorder Assembly

Class 4 thrilled us all today with their recorder playing. What progress they have made from rather squeaky beginnings in September! Thank you to all the parents for attending and well done to the children for their tuneful playing and singing.

The Great Fire of London

The children had so much fun during our Great Fire of London workshop in school today. It began by finding out the names of the significant people involved, including Samuel Pepys and Thomas Farriner. The children dressed up as these people and started to learn key...
Celebrating Reading

Celebrating Reading

A small selection of the many parents who came to read –  thank you so much for sharing this with us. Thank you for joining in with our bedtime reading celebration, the children have enjoyed coming to school in their PJs! Well done to every child who...

Top tip – February

Can you grow your own fruit and vegetables? We have a new vegetable plot in the school garden and Eco club will be taking part in the Grow Your Own Potatoes project. We are very excited to get started!

Great big bird watch

FS have been taking part in the great big bird watch for the RSPB this week. We made some bird feeders using cheerios. This was great for helping us to practise our fine motor skills. Then we hung them in the school garden. After reading a book all about garden birds,...