by Laura Howell | Jun 7, 2021 | Foundation Stage, Latest News
What a fantastic start we have had to “healthy week” in school today by having our very own Sports day! The children in Reception have had a brilliant first day back at school with their friends by competing in lots of different races. They have joined in...
by Laura Howell | May 25, 2021 | Foundation Stage, Latest News
The children in Reception are so excited to announce that our new little fluffy friends have hatched! We have loved watching the eggs in the incubator and have kept checking each day to see if any of the eggs had pipped. 21 days later and we have lots of lively chicks...
by Sarah Binns | May 6, 2021 | Foundation Stage, Latest News, Year 1, Year 2
Our wonderful bear, Buzzbee, is now finished. He will be heading off to the Bear Trail next week. We will keep you updated on where he will be and how you can visit him. All the children made small bees and those that are not on Buzzbee will be decorating Honey House...
by Liz Harris | Apr 29, 2021 | Foundation Stage, Latest News, Uncategorized, Year 1, Year 2
We are excited to be able to hold our annual book fair again, albeit in a slightly different way due to current restrictions. The Book Fair will arrive in school on Wednesday 5th May for children to visit in their class bubbles during the school day. Children and...
by Laura Howell | Feb 12, 2021 | Foundation Stage, Latest News
Gong hei fat choy! Happy Chinese New Year everyone! This year is the year of the Ox. Today the children in Reception have been learning about how Chinese New Year is celebrated. In school we have watched, listened to and joined in with a dragon dance and then made our...
by Sarah Binns | Jan 15, 2021 | Foundation Stage, Latest News, Year 1, Year 2
What wonderful grounds we have! Can’t wait to have fun in the snow.