by Laura Howell | Dec 3, 2021 | Foundation Stage, Latest News
The children in Reception have had an amazing time today in school decorating the Christmas tree. They carefully placed all the red and gold baubles onto the Pine tree. We had so much fun! Thank you to the school council children for selecting such a wonderful tree...
by Liz Harris | Dec 3, 2021 | Foundation Stage, Latest News, Year 1, Year 2
We loved celebrating the end of our Book at Bedtime reading event. We all came to school in our pyjamas; even the adults wore their pyjamas! Two children from each class received a prize and everybody who entered received a certificate. Thank you to all our adults...
by Laura Howell | Nov 16, 2021 | Foundation Stage, Latest News
Today the children in Reception had a visit from 5 special visitors; Casper, Dusty, Amber, Jack and Charlie. What a hoot of a day we have had! We have learnt all about what owls eat, how the use their wings to fly, how they build their nests and what type of owls are...
by Laura Howell | Nov 5, 2021 | Foundation Stage, Latest News
The children in Reception have created their own Bonfire Night poems in Forest School today to go with their beautiful firework printing that they have done this week. Poem 1: A Bonfire Night Poem We remember the 5th November, The smell of the bonfire, fireworks,...
by Laura Howell | Nov 5, 2021 | Foundation Stage, Latest News
The children in Reception loved learning about bears last half term! They learnt so many new facts: “Speckled bears have sharp claws to help them climb trees” – Zoe “A speckled bear eats meat and sleeps in the trees.” – Miles...
by Shannon Travis | Nov 5, 2021 | Foundation Stage, Latest News, Year 1, Year 2
Today we have been learning about Diwali which is the “festival of light”. We have been learning about how people celebrate Diwali. As part of our leaning we have learned some Bollywood dance moves. We practiced the dance moves and then put all the moves...