What an animal-tastic day!

What an animal-tastic day!

The children in Reception have had an amazing afternoon with grasshoppers, cockroaches, a bearded dragon, a rabbit, guinea pigs, a tortoise and a snake!!! The children had a great time watching, stroking and handling the animals. They learnt so many new facts too!...
Our “school” of fish!

Our “school” of fish!

The children in Reception have loved learning about animals that live under the sea. They have learnt lots of new facts: “Lots of fish together is called a school”  – Emily “A dolphin has a blowhole on their head.” – Esme...
Christingle service

Christingle service

This week all children in school have celebrated Advent by creating their very own Christingle and have participated in a church service at Christ Church in Stannington. The children have learnt that a Christingle is made from: an orange that represents the world, a...