“A friendly, creative environment for learning together”


Ofsted Outstanding
Stannington Infant School has been recognised as Outstanding by Ofsted in 2007 and 2009. We were inspected in December 2023 and graded as Outstandign once again. 

Basic Skills Quality Mark
The Basic Skills Agency Quality Mark is awarded to schools that reach a specified standard in Literacy and Numeracy. The Quality Mark has been awarded to Stannington Infant School on 3 occasions.

Healthy Schools
Stannington Infant School achieved National Healthy Schools Status (NHSS) through focussing on four criteria areas:
• Personal, social and health education including sex and
relationship and drugs education
• Healthy eating
• Physical activity
• Emotional health and well-being

Sheffield Early Years Charter 
The Sheffield Loves Learning, Charter for Quality Provision confirms the standards for recognition of ‘high quality’ within settings in Sheffield, valuing the broad range of provision and celebrating the contribution settings make.

Artsmark Gold
Artsmark award celebrates schools that champion the arts and strive for excellence in their provision. As well as recognising schools that make the arts come alive, the Artsmark award is a useful, practical and valuable tool for enriching a school’s arts provision.

Leading Parent Partnership Award
The LPPA is a nationally recognised award achievable by schools who work closely with the families of their pupils. The assessment is made by an external advisor.

Eco School Green Flag Award
This is the highest Eco Award . Our school had to demonstrate that we
• Have an Eco-Committee that meets at least once every half term
• Completed an Environmental Review covering the Eco-Schools nine

• Sustainability covered in at least three curriculum areas
• Involving the whole school and wider community
• Have an agreed and displayed Eco-Code

Stannington Infant School was awarded an Activemark in recognition of the schools commitment to promoting the benefits of physical activity and school sport. Our pupils receive two hours of high quality PE per week plus daily exercise through our playground activities and during our annual Healthy Week.

Sing Up GOLD
To achieve a Sing Up Award you need to prove that singing is embedded within your whole school through strategic planning, teaching and learning and shared singing opportunities. Stannington Infant School was delighted to achieve Gold Sing up.

Modeshift Stars Award 

(Sustainable Travel Accreditation and Recognition for Schools) is a national schools awards scheme that has been established to recognise schools that have demonstrated excellence in supporting cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable travel. We are one of a handful of schools that have achieved Platinum award.

 Early Years Hey Award / Food for Life Award 

We are starting on these arwards in September 2023. We will be contacting parents to work with us.