Diwali Dance

Diwali Dance

Today we have been learning about Diwali which is the “festival of light”. We have been learning about how people celebrate Diwali. As part of our leaning we have learned some Bollywood dance moves. We practiced the dance moves and then put all the moves...
Skipping Workshop

Skipping Workshop

Today we had a skipping workshop with Adam from Jump Rope UK. We have been learning the basics of skipping forwards/backwards and how to skip with a long rope. We had such fun and Adam showed us some of his skipping tricks. We will be continuing to practise our...
A fabulous first week in Year 1!

A fabulous first week in Year 1!

We have really enjoyed our first week in Year 1. We have been getting to know our new teachers and classmates as well as making our Class Charters. We have especially enjoyed exploring our new classrooms.  
Rockets – Blast Off!

Rockets – Blast Off!

As part of our Our Changing World topic we have been learning about space. In DT we have investigated rockets and labelled the parts of a rocket before designing our own. We thought carefully about how we wanted our rockets  to look and the tools and materials we...