Balance Bikes

Balance Bikes

This half term in Year 1, Class 4 are taking part in the Ready Set ride project with Miss Travis. The Ready Set Ride project supports children to learn to ride a bike and discover the joy of cycling. We have had so much fun learning new skills.
Ukulele Lessons

Ukulele Lessons

In Year 1 this term we have been learning how to play the ukulele. So far we have talked about the different parts of a ukulele and we have been learning to play 3 cords. We are really enjoying learning a new skill and we are hoping to learn how to play a song.  ...
Celebration Day

Celebration Day

As part of our learning in Year 1 we have been learning about  “Celebrations and Festivals”. We really enjoyed our celebration day where we came to school in party clothes and learnt all about different celebrations and festivals.  
Toys History Day!

Toys History Day!

On Wednesday 7th October we had a visit from The History Van. It’s was an amazing time. We got to play with some toys from the Victorian times. We learned about the first Teddy Bear named after Teddy Roosevelt. We found out how some children lived in Victorian times...
Art’s Week

Art’s Week

We loved Art’s week. Have a look at some of our work. We have learnt how to draw self portraits and have painted in the style of Monet and Rothko.