Recorder Assembly

Class 4 thrilled us all today with their recorder playing. What progress they have made from rather squeaky beginnings in September! Thank you to all the parents for attending and well done to the children for their tuneful playing and singing.

Top tip – February

Can you grow your own fruit and vegetables? We have a new vegetable plot in the school garden and Eco club will be taking part in the Grow Your Own Potatoes project. We are very excited to get started!

Geography Days

The children have loved taking part in their Geography learning all about the local area. In FS the children have been learning the name of the school they attend and locating it on a map of Stannington. The children have uses a simple map of the school grounds to...

Y1 Local Walk

This week the children have been taking part in their Geography learning all about the local area. The children have learnt what country, city and village they live in. They have also been learning to identify human and physical features. We conducted some fieldwork...