Diwali day in FS

Diwali day in FS

Diwali day Today we enjoyed a day all about Diwali. We learned all about the story of Rama and Sita and why this is important to Hindu’s. We had great fun doing the Diwali dance with Megan who came to visit this morning. Later we all made our own Diva lamps, we...
Our Toy Workshop

Our Toy Workshop

The children in FS enjoyed a toy workshop yesterday. We were very excited to look at the old toys that Catherine brought to school. We learned what old toys were made of and we talked about how you can tell if a toy is old. Some of the toys were very delicate! We were...

Safer Internet Day

February 9th was Safer Internet Day, we had a super assembly led by our very own Stannington Stay Safe team. They helped the whole school to think about all the ways that we use technology. We thought about how we behave in real life and compared it to how we behave...
History Van

History Van

Year 1 enjoyed a visit from the history van. We wanted to find out about homes long ago. Kathryn from the history van showed us how household chores were carried out long ago. We had to use a posser, a dolly peg and washboard to do the washing. It was hard work! Then...
Year 1 visit to Manor Lodge

Year 1 visit to Manor Lodge

On Monday year 1 enjoyed a visit to Manor Lodge, we explore dthe grounds and found out what life was like for the people who lived there. We even got to look at the oldest toilet in Sheffield.  Bess of Hardwick was there, she told us about the lives of the poor and...