Year 2 Circus Skills

Year 2 Circus Skills

To celebrate the end of Year 2 the children took part in a circus skills workshop. The children learned how to juggle with scarves and balls. They had a go at moving forwards and backwards on pedals. They were great at balancing plates on sticks and peacock feathers...
Piano Assembly

Piano Assembly

Today we were treated to a wonderful piano concert by the children learning to play in our school. Each child played two pieces of music, either by themselves or with Pav, their piano teacher. The children were amazing and we loved listening to them play.  Well done...
Bradfield School Band

Bradfield School Band

On Monday morning we were lucky enough to listen to the talented Bradfield School Band. The band played a selection of songs accompanied by guitars, drums, violins and the piano. We loved listening to the children and were inspired by their achievements. Many of our...

Y2’s Coronation Day

Today in Year 2 we have celebrated the coronation of King Charles III by spending the day learning about his life, work, and role as monarch and leader of our country. We talked about the significance of King Charles’ Coronation, a historic event that has...