Christingle service

Christingle service

This week all children in school have celebrated Advent by creating their very own Christingle and have participated in a church service at Christ Church in Stannington. The children have learnt that a Christingle is made from: an orange that represents the world, a...
O’ Christmas Tree!

O’ Christmas Tree!

The children in Reception have had an amazing time today in school decorating the Christmas tree. They carefully placed all the red and gold baubles onto the Pine tree. We had so much fun! Thank you to the school council children for selecting such a wonderful tree...
As wise as an owl

As wise as an owl

Today the children in Reception had a visit from 5 special visitors; Casper, Dusty, Amber, Jack and Charlie. What a hoot of a day we have had! We have learnt all about what owls eat, how the use their wings to fly, how they build their nests and what type of owls are...