Year 1 Art Week

Year 1 Art Week

This week has been Art week across school. The children in Year 1 have learnt all about a French artist Henri Rousseau. They have learnt many new facts. The children in Year 1 have learnt many new observational observational skills when looking closely at...
Steel City

Steel City

Today the children in Year 1 have visited the Kelham Island Museum and have learnt all about the history of Sheffield. The children went back in time to find little mester stores on 33 Howard Street. The children also learnt about the different jobs in the crucible...
DT learning in Year 1

DT learning in Year 1

As part of our Design and Technology learning this half term we have been learning all about puppets. We have learnt a new skill and learnt to sew a running stitch to create a gingerbread man hand puppet.       We are so happy with our finished products! We will be...