by Joanne Everitt | Jun 24, 2022 | Latest News, SCHOOL COUNCIL
School Council children met with Mrs Everitt to discuss how we can fund raise in school for our new Forest School classroom. The children decided it would be a good idea to sell the printed t-shirts they had made in Arts week. We had to think about how much we wanted...
by Joanne Everitt | Mar 24, 2022 | SCHOOL COUNCIL
Today Mrs Everitt asked School Council to choose designs for the Mode shift Stars Gold Award banner. It was a difficult choice because there were so many good designs! School council chose a range of designs and put them together to form the banner. They helped to...
by Joanne Everitt | May 7, 2021 | Latest News, Year 1
Today the children had so much fun during our Number day. They brought in coins from home to fill the digits 0-9 and went on a maths trail answering questions around the school yard.