Year 2 Sports Day

The year 2 children had a fantastic Sports Day! The sun was shining and everyone had a brilliant time competing in lots of different races such as sprinting races, hurdle races, a relay race, a skipping race, a hockey race, a dribbling race (with a football!) and an...

Class 5 Forest Schools week 1

Class 5 had an amazing first day at Forest Schools. The sun held off during the morning whilst we searched in the garden for objects that were alive, dead or never alive. We also looked at plants and labelled the functions of the roots, leaves, stem and flowers. We...
Class 6 Forest School Week 2

Class 6 Forest School Week 2

Another great week and the sun shined for us as well! We looked at mini-beast habitats, learnt about how plants reproduce and went in to the apiary. We also made hedgehog houses and bug hotels. In the afternoon we even got to work with a real potter to make coil pots!...

Y2 Art Skies Printing

In art, year 2 have been looking at the artist JMW Turner and his famous painting ‘The Fighting Temeraire’. They made their own Great Fire of London sky background mixing and blending sky colours to create different tints and tones. They also looked at the...