25 Things

25 Things

We have developed these ideas for 25 Things To Do Before Leaving Infant School with the children, parents, carers and staff at Stannington Infant School. It contains a range of experiences and skills which can be developed at home and at school. Download the booklet...
Young Voices 2019

Young Voices 2019

**** really enjoyed being part of the Young Voices concert.  He loved watching the dancers on stage, and the conductor. As parents, we were very impressed by the show, it was so much fun to be there, and the organisation was excellent.  Thank you for all your hard...
Guide Dog Assembly

Guide Dog Assembly

Lily prepared a power point for an assembly about guide dogs. She told us lots of interesting facts – like guide dogs can’t play with balls. Everyone enjoyed welcoming Unity and Lily’s grandma into school. Thank you and Well Done! This is to say a...

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