Autumn 2016

Autumn 2016

School Council gives our children a voice in the development of Stannington Infant School and the local community. Children are elected annually and the council has two representatives from each Y1 and Y2 class. School Council meetings are held regularly, usually...
Here come the Eco Warriors

Here come the Eco Warriors

We have set up our own Eco-team within school and we are called the Eco Warriors. We have an Eco School Code that we want to follow as a whole school. As a school we want to make sure we have a clean environment so during playtimes we will be litter picking around the...
Recycle Man defeats Dr Rubbish

Recycle Man defeats Dr Rubbish

We were very lucky to have a visit from Recycle Man this week! He managed to stop Dr Rubbish from his evil plan of turning the country into landfill and stopping us from carrying out the 3Rs – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. We helped Recycle Man to sort the rubbish that...
Our first Green Day

Our first Green Day

On Wednesday 29th June we had our first Green Day in school. Everyone wore something green and some children even painted their faces! We started the day with an assembly by Action for Stannington which helped us to understand how important recycling is. After that we...
Book at Bedtime 2018

Book at Bedtime 2018

During the month of November Mrs Harris asked us to share a story with somebody in our family every night. If we could do this we were entered into a special book prize draw! To celebrate the end of Book at Bedtime we came to school in our pyjamas; even our teachers...