What a great visit to Kelham Island Museum. We had such a brilliant time learning all about Sheffield, how steel is made and how Harry Brearley discovered stainless steel.

We started our visit by learning all about how Sheffield became a city.

We talked lots about different materials including different metals and their properties. We found some little figures around the museum that were made from: aluminium, brass, bronze, copper, silver and gold. We then watched a puppet show which told us all about how stainless steel was invented. Harry Brearley found that if they added carbon and chromium with the iron it become stronger and would not rust.

We went around the museum and learned about all the different jobs as part of the steel works such as a puller, a teamer and a cellar lad.

We saw the River Don Engine in steam which is the most powerful engine in Europe. It was very noisy! We even saw one of the biggest and oldest Bessemer converters.