We were so delighted that the letter we sent to Santa persuaded him to send an Elf to school.

Alfie explained Santa had to self isolate a lot before Christmas. He told us a story about Santa losing his hat; Alfie had to look everywhere for it, even in the reindeer poo!

Alfie wondered if Santa could use a different hats but we didn’t think they would suit him …..


We also got to ask Alfie lots of questions like …

What do elves eat? Are elves magic? If Santa has such a fat tummy how can he get down chimneys? Have you (Alfie) got any brothers or sisters?

Alfie also gave us some advice for Christmas Eve.

  1. Make sure your room is tidy so Santa can get in (especially don’t leave lego on the floor!)
  2. Go to bed early (and don’t wake up too early)
  3. Don’t put glitter in reindeer food as it gives them tummy ache – they like carrots though.

We loved Alfie’s visit!