In Science Class 6 built on our earlier work in Forest School and looked at materials and their properties. Both classes used what they had learnt to support their learning in Science Week where we used another Sir Scallywag book to base our learning around and to help us answer the question, ‘What is the best material to build a castle from?’ Have a look at our Science Week books which are on display in both classes to find out how we came up with our answer! We also loved being Scientists when Mr Stafford came in from The University to lead a workshop with two of his colleagues. We were real scientists, testing, experimenting and investigating which toilet papers and baby wipes could be flushed down the toilet without blocking it….with interesting results!
Our Literacy learning was ‘kicked off’ with some inspiring poetry from Mr Payne which we tried to emulate with our own versions….’One lost blue scarf lying by the road. Whose could it be?’ We then used our visit to Manor Castle to help us to write our own versions of a recount using structure, time words and facts as well as giving our own personal opinion about the visit. We all wrote about how much we enjoyed it and lots of us mentioned how interesting meeting Bess of Hardwick was and seeing the oldest toilet in Sheffield! Our most recent Literacy has been very topical as we have been working in groups to create our own election campaigns for the privilege of ‘running the school’ for a week. We had to think about what we wanted to change in school and why and then create a campaign to make our peers vote for our ideas. Watch this space for the results….
After building on and consolidating our Maths learning from Term 1 about Addition and Subtraction and the methods that we can use to solve questions relating to this, we then began looking at money. We spent time learning about the different coins and notes that are currently in circulation, what their value is and how we can add them to make different amounts. We then looked at how we can pay the same amount using combinations of different coins and notes. Our most recent learning has been about 2 and 3d shape. Ask us what edges and vertices are or what we call a shape with 1 square face and 3 triangular faces!
In PSHE we have looked at celebrating differences. We looked at how we have things in common but also at how we are different and unique.
Our computing this half term was based around using ‘word’ on the computer. We used the lovely poems that we had written in our literacy sessions and learnt how to type them up using the word application We then added our own image and changed the font size as well as the colour.
In RE we have looked at symbols in the world around us and what a symbol actually is. We then looked at important symbols in the Christian and Muslim faith and what they represented. Did you know that a fish is a symbol of Christianity? We will also be looking at the Christmas story and rewriting part of it in our literacy lessons as well as making Christingles, thinking about all the symbolism of the candle, orange, ribbon and fruit and taking part in the Christingle Service at Christ Church.
And of course we have been doing lots of singing, dancing and learning lines ready for our Christmas performance of Lights, Camel, Action 2…. the Sequin!